2011 Annual Meeting
(135a) Global Optimization of Mixed-Integer Quadratically-Constrained Quadratic Programs (QCQP) Through Piecewise-Linear and Edge-Concave Relaxations
Nonconvex quadratically-constrained quadratic programs (nonconvex QCQP) and those admitting integer variables (MIQCQP), are ubiquitous in process systems applications including heat integration networks, separation systems, reactor networks, reactor-separator-recycle systems, and batch processes. Among these applications are the pooling problems, which represent the optimization challenge of maximizing profit subject to feedstock availability, intermediate storage capacity, demand, and product specification constraints [9, 17, 18, 19]. The pooling problem, which is a MIQCQP, has important practical applications to many process systems engineering domains, including petroleum refining, water systems, supply-chain operations, and communications [4, 11, 16, 26].
We previously addressed large-scale pooling problems to ε-global optimality using a disjunctive relaxation formulation that activates appropriate under- and overestimators in specific domain segments and integrated this relaxation scheme into a branch-and-bound global optimization algorithm. Similar underestimators have been exploited in an array of process network applications [7, 10, 12, 13, 15, 20, 21, 27]. Here we address generic MIQCQP by extending these results beyond the special structure of MIQCQP representing process network problems. Because there is an inherent trade-off between relaxation tightness and solving time, we seek to elucidate the conditions under which these relaxations offer an advantage over the commonly-used termwise hull relaxation.
Complementing the piecewise-linear relaxations, we investigate polyhedral facets generated through edge-concave aggregations [2, 5, 8, 14, 23, 24, 25]. Edge-concave functions admit a vertex polyhedral envelope and therefore have a convex hull consisting entirely of linear facets [14, 23, 24, 25]. We detect possible low-dimensional (n ≤ 3) edge-concave aggregations of two or three variables in MIQCQP, determine the convex hull of the aggregated terms, and integrate facets that strictly dominate the termwise relaxation into our underestimation scheme at every node of a branch-and-bound tree. The facets that do not strictly dominate the termwise relaxation are still useful for bounds reduction within the context of branch-and-bound global optimization.
The proposed global optimization approach, whose novel contributions are rooted in the underestimators, determines an appropriate relaxation scheme employing piecewise linear underestimators and edge-concave relaxations and integrates the resulting mixed-integer linear program (MILP) into a branch-and-bound global optimization algorithm. We also incorporate standard techniques such as Reformulation-Linearization Technique feasibility-based range reduction [3, 22], limited optimality-based bounds tightening, and reliability branching [1, 6]. Extensive computational studies are presented for point packing problems, quadratic programming problems, and standard and generalized pooling problems.
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[13] J. Li, R. Misener, and C. A. Floudas. Continuous-time modeling and global optimization approach for scheduling of crude oil operations. AIChE Journal, 2011. In Press.
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