2011 Annual Meeting
(113d) The Fate of Sulfur In Oxy-Fired Fluidized Beds
emissions from coal combustion have several harmful effects on the environment,
including their contribution to acid rain. A variety of approaches, including
wet and dry scrubbing and direct sorbent injection, have been developed to
control sulfur pollution. Direct dry sorbent injection is a relatively simple
and low-cost process. Until now, the fluidized bed has been one of the most
popular furnaces for the application of direct sorbent injection. In addition,
oxy-fuel combustion is a promising, practical method to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions; thus, studies on the mechanisms related to the production of SO2
emissions under oxy-fuel conditions are important. The major limitation of
studying SO2 mechanisms in existing pilot-scale and industrial-scale
fluidized beds is expense. Bench-scale fluidized beds, to some extent, can
examine fundamental mechanisms of sulfur under many experimental conditions due
to their low cost. However, very few previous studies on the mechanisms of
sulfur emissions in single coal particle fluidized beds have been conducted. A
few potential mechanisms of SO2 capture by limestone are presented
in the literature1-5.
Little else can be confirmed except that the final product is CaSO46.
this work, the capture of fuel sulfur by sorbents in oxy-fired fluidized beds was
studied by:
bench-scale experiments to identify mechanisms and quantify rates;
a detailed single-particle model to determine rate parameters and test
pilot-scale experiments to verify bench-scale observations under
industry-relevant conditions.
Experimental Method
bench-scale single-fuel-particle fluidized-bed reactor 7,
is used to follow the transient evolution of sulfur in mixtures of O2
with N2 or CO2at the same conditions (mass flow rate, O2
concentration and fluidized bed temperature, etc.). In this way, we can
examine the effect of the presence of CO2 on the formation and
capture of SO2/SO3 and other participating species.
Illinois #6 coal was used as the fuel, due to its high sulfur content.
single-particle, coal-combustion experimental bench scale fluidized bed is shown
in Figure
It is a vertical, cylindrical, stainless-steel furnace with a combustion
chamber length of 771 mm and an inner diameter of 44 mm. The column has a 2 mm
thick perforated plate distributor with 60 holes. The temperatures of the bed
material, furnace wall and gas phase are measured by K-type thermocouples. The
effluent is measured by a Magna-IR Spectrometer 550 FTIR.
1.Schematic setup of bench-scale fluidized
bed combustor.
fate of sulfur in the bench-scale fluidized bed experiments were carried out in
both N2 and CO2 environments at three O2
concentrations (10%, 20% and 30%) and a range of bed temperatures (765 - 902
C). The sulfur content in each single coal particle was not expected to be
uniform; therefore, each experimental condition was repeated at least 5 times
and averages of the multiple runs and associated error bars are presented.
(left) shows the comparison of SO2 emissions without limestone between
oxy-fuel combustion and air combustion. It clearly indicates there was no
difference in the SO2 emissions. As a conclusion, the effect of high
concentrations of CO2 on SO2 emissions appears to be the same
as N2 in the bench-scale fluidized bed.
Figure 2
(right) shows the comparison of SO2 emissions with limestone between
oxy-fuel combustion and air combustion. It is clear that the efficiency of
sulfur removal by limestone in oxy-fuel combustion is much lower than during
air combustion. Because the CO2 concentration is very high in the
fluidized bed under oxy-fuel conditions, it is anticipated that there would be
a great suppression of the decomposition of CaCO3 (limestone) thereby
reducing the efficiency of sulfur removal by limestone.
Figure 2.The fate of sulfur (T= 835 C) in either N2
or CO2, without limestone (left) and with limestone (right) present
in a quartz fluidized bed.
In order to investigate
limestone sulfation behavior in detail, calibration gases of known SO2 concentration
in either N2 or CO2were introduced as the sulfur source,
instead of generating it from coal particle combustion.
Sulfation behavior of
limestone in O2 /N2 or O2/CO2 is
illustrated in Figure 3. As Figure
(left) shows, the reactor temperature had little effect on the degree of sulfation
over the range considered in O2 /N2. It is well
established that due to differences in molar volumes between CaCO3
and CaSO4, significant pore plugging can occur that would limit the
degree of sulfation. If the overall rate is limited by particle diffusion, then
the reaction would tend to take place near the particle surface. The pores
would become blocked after only a limited outer layer of the particle had
reacted to form CaSO4. The low degree of sulfation is consistent
with this hypothesis. In addition, the very limited dependence on temperature
would also indicate more of a diffusion-controlled regime.
The degree of sulfation
for the oxy-combustion condition is shown in Figure 3
(right), and reveals a clear dependence on temperature. The sulfation mechanism
of limestone in O2 /N2 or O2/CO2 (T=874C)
is shown in more detail in Figure 4.
This figure provides a composite of the N2 and CO2
atmospheres, and plots the degree of sulfation over time as determined from the
measured SO2 concentration. As shown, the transient sulfation
kinetic rate in O2/N2 is initially much higher compared
to O2/CO2; however, at longer times the degree of sulfation
of limestone in O2/CO2 is higher. The crossover occurs at
transition point A (t=2100s)for the temperature and conditions of this
experiment, as noted in the figure.
It appears that the process
of sulfation is controlled by a different mechanism in the presence of CO2
as compared with N2, since very different sulfation behavior is
observed for the same operating conditions. It is likely that air-combustion
and oxy-combustion conditions result in indirect and direct sulfation
mechanisms. Also, it appears that the indirect sulfation mechanism is in a
diffusion-controlled regime for the conditions evaluated, as there is very
little temperature sensitivity and the conversion is low, consistent with the
earlier discussion of pore plugging on the outside of the particle. The direct
sulfation mechanism may be in a kinetically controlled regime, since the
temperature dependence is much more pronounced. In O2/N2,
if the kinetic rate for the SO2-CaO (indirect) reaction is
relatively fast, then pore diffusion would limit the overall rate and pores
would become blocked very quickly, allowing only a limited outer layer of the
particle to react to form CaSO4 and limiting overall conversion. In O2/CO2,
if the kinetic rate for the SO2-CaCO3 (direct) reaction
is slow, then pores diffusion is not as limiting and the reaction to form CaSO4
could take place throughout more of the particle. This process would allow the
formation of CaSO4 over a larger surface area and allow greater
reaction time prior to pore plugging.
Figure 3. Limestone sulfation behavior at various
temperatures in either O2/N2 (left) or O2/CO2
Figure 4. Sulfation behavior of limestone in either O2/N2 or O2/CO2
at T=874C.
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