2010 Annual Meeting
Session: Innovation and Insight via High-Fidelity Simulation and Large-Database Studies of Micro, Macro and Multi-Scale Phenomena: Invited Speakers
RANTC, CoMSEF and CAST are co-sponsoring a Topical Summit on Simulation Based Engineering and Science (SBE&S) as a disruptive innovation, creating new and unexpected capabilities, markets and values for Chemical Engineering and the Chemical Process Industry. Through invited speakers, the Topical Summit will consider the implications of SBE&S for science and industry including key technological and applied capabilities and their impacts, the workforce, education, national investment and policy and the role of the Institute. In this disruptive context, this session addresses how SBE&S is revolutionizing science and engineering. Indeed SBE&S has joined theory and observation as the third pillar of science. Many future critical technologies cannot be understood, developed, or utilized without it. For industry, SBE&S is literally the critical new asset that will enable next generation innovation, design, resource management and decision support in the full design-to-delivery product life cycle. Numerous blue-ribbon community-based reports , have confirmed repeatedly that SBE&S is a critical capability that enables scientific discovery, innovation and engineering and that it is an engine for economic growth and competitiveness.