2010 Annual Meeting

(730d) Prediction of API Dissolution Rate in Printed Dopamine Droplets for Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems


Brown, M. - Presenter, Rutgers University
Takhistov, P. - Presenter, Rutgers University

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients were deposited onto bipolymeric film via automated Drop on Demand (DoD) Technology. The evaporation process revealed unique evaporation behaviors leading to distinct deposition patterns. We propose that the dissolution rate of the API loaded onto the biopolymeric film in trasdermal drug delivery can be predicted as a function of the evaporation rate and final splat patterns of the deposited drug. More specifically we believe that there exists three distinct phases where the droplet transitions from amorphous to crystalline regimes Final structures and patterning of the deposited droplet result from evaporation ultimately due to mass transfer of fluid out of the drop and within the droplet. Amorphous patterns of the splat result in increased dissolution rates indicating increased bioavailability in vivo. Decreased dissolution rates were observed in the crystalline splats