2010 Annual Meeting

(711d) Electrospun Magnetic Polymer Nanocomposite Fibers


Guo, Z. - Presenter, Lamar University
Wei, S. - Presenter, Lamar University
Zhu, J. - Presenter, Lamar University
Chen, X. - Presenter, Lamar University
Gunesoglu, C. - Presenter, Gaziantep University
LI, Y. - Presenter, Western Digial Company

Magnetic nanoparticles with a size close to the single domain are of tremendous interest in different fields of chemistry and physics due to their unique magnetic properties such as enhanced coercivity, superparamagnetism and chemical catalytic properties inherent with their small size and high specific surface area [1-2]. Therefore, polymer nanocomposites incorporated magnetic nanoparticels have shown promise in various potential applications [3]. As one kind of nanocomposites, one dimensional (1-D) conductive fibers with magnetic properties are of interest for many applications including membranesless biofuel cells [4]. Many synthesis and fabrication methods have already been used to produce 1-D nanofibers, but electrospinning has been demonstrated as the simplest and low cost technique to produce nanocomposite fibers at high speed. Meanwhile, eletrospun magnetic fibers will exhibit remarkable properties due to its large specific surface area, small diameter (50-500nm) and extremely long length [5]. In this talk, electrospun magnetic polymer nanocomposite fibers are introduced. The polymers include polyacrylonitrile (PAN), polystyrene (PS), and polyimide (PI). The nanoparticles will include iron nanoparticles, iron oxide nanoparticles and nickel nanoparticles. Various characterizations are carried out including scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), viscometer, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), attenuated total reflection Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction (XRD), respectively. The magnetic properties are carried out in a physical properties measurement system (PPMS) by Quantum Design. The operation parameters to produce uniform nanofibers will be discussed.

[1] Z. Guo, H. Lin, A. B.Karki, S. Wei, D. P.Young, S. Park, J. Willis, T. H.Hahn. Facile monomer stabilization approach to fabricate iron/vinyl ester resin nanocomposites. Composite science and Technology, 2008, 68:2551-2556

[2] C.Baker, S.Ismat Shah, S.K.Hasanain. Magnetic behavior of iron and iron-oxide nanoparticles/polymer composites. Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, 2004, 280: 412-418

[3] D. Zhang; R. Chung; A. B. Karki; F. Li; D. Young; Z. Guo*; Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114, 212-219 (2010)

[4] J. E Panels, J. Lee, K. Ye. Park, S. Y. Kang, M. Marquez, U.h Wiesner and Y. L. Joo. Nanotechnology, 2008,19:1-7

[5] D. Zhang; D. Rutman; D. Cocke; Z. Guo*; A. B. Karki; D. P. Young; A. Wang ?Electrospun Polyacrylonitrile Nanocomposite Fibers Reinforced with Fe3O4 Nanoparticles: Fabrication and Property Analysis? Polymer, 4189-4198, 2009.

[6] J. Zhu, S. Wei, X. Chen, A. B. Karki, D. Rutman, D. P. Young and Z. Guo; Electrospun Polyimide Nanocomposite Fibers Reinforced With Core-Shell Fe-FeO Nanoparticles, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114(19) 8844-8850, 2010

[7] X. Chen, S. Wei, C. Gunesoglu, J. Zhu, L. Sun, A. B. Karki, D. P. Young and Z. Guo; Electrospun Magnetic Fibrillar Polystyrene Nanocomposites Reinforced with Nickel Nanoparticles, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 211(16), 1775-1783 2010