Hydrogels are three dimensional (3D) polymeric networks that are able to absorb and retain large volume of water and are suitable for the delivery of cells and bioactive agents1. Elastin-based biomaterials have great potential for use as hydrogels for regeneration of damaged tissues due to their capacity for self assembly and phase transition behaviour; they also mimic many features of the extracellular matrix and have the potential to guide the migration, growth and organization of cells during regeneration processes2. However, a major limitation of elastin-based biomaterials is their low mechanical properties. The other issues associated with current elastin-based hydrogels fabrication include the extensive processing time, small pores which cause the lack of cellular growth in 3D structures, and the use of toxic solvent. The aim of this study was to fabricate composite elastin hydrogels with mechanical properties and pore characteristics suitable for 3D cellular infiltration and proliferation. The feasibility of using dense gas CO2 (DGO2) for simultaneous crosslinking and generation of porosity within the structure of composite hydrogel was assessed. A DG is a fluid at above or close to its critical temperature and pressure with superior properties compared to liquids and gases; higher density than gases and larger mass transfer properties than liquids3. Dense gases are excellent fluids for extraction, purification, and a media for conducting reaction3. In this study elastin-based hybrid hydrogels were fabricated by chemically cross-linking of polymer mixture solution with glutaraldehyde by using DGCO2. The effects of processing parameters including pressure, temperature, reaction time, and depressurisation rate on the characteristics of fabricated hydrogels were also studied. Dense gas CO2 had a significant impact on the characteristics of the fabricated hydrogels including porosity, swelling ratio, compressive properties, and modulus of elasticity. Compared to fabrication at atmospheric pressure DGCO2 based construction eliminated the skin-like formation on the top surfaces of composite hydrogels and generated larger pores with an average pore size of 78 ±17 µm (Figure 1a, b). The swelling ratios of composite hydrogels fabricated by DGCO2 were lower than the gels produced at atmospheric pressure as a result of a higher degree of crosslinking. DGCO2 substantially increased the mechanical properties of fabricated hydrogels. The compressive and tensile moduli of composite hydrogel were enhanced 2 and 2.5 fold, respectively, when the pressure was increased from 1 to 60 bar. In vitro studies showed that the presence of large pores throughout the hydrogel matrix fabricated by DGCO2 enabled the migration of human skin fibroblast cells 300 µm into the construct (Figure 2 c). However, cells were only able to form a monolayer on the surface of hydrogels fabricated by using conventional method (Figure 2d). This is likely due to the inability of fibroblast cells to migrate between the small and discontinuous pore networks of samples produced by conventional method. The composite hydrogels fabricated by DGCO2 can be contemplated as an elastic biomaterial for soft tissue repair applications. References 1. Hoffman, A. S., Adv Drug Deliv Rev, 2002, 54, 3-12 2. Daamen WF et al., Biomaterials 2007, 284378-4398 3. Quirk, R.A. et al. , Curr Opin in Solid State & Mater Sci 2005, 8, 313
e migration of human skin fibroblast cells 300 µm into the construct (Figure 2 c). However, cells were only able to form a monolayer on the surface of hydrogels fabricated by using conventional method (Figure 2d). This is likely due to the inability of fibroblast cells to migrate between the small and discontinuous pore networks of samples produced by conventional method. The composite hydrogels fabricated by DGCO2 can be contemplated as an elastic biomaterial for soft tissue repair applications.
Figure 1: SEM images of hydrogels produced by using DGCO2 (a), and conventional method (b).
Figure 2: Images of fibroblast cells attached to composite hydrogel fabricated by DGCO2 (a, b, c), and conventional method (d). Panel a, c, and d show cross-sections of hydrogel and panel d show hydrogel surface
1. Hoffman, A. S., Adv Drug Deliv Rev, 2002, 54, 3-12
2. Daamen WF et al., Biomaterials 2007, 284378-4398
3. Quirk, R.A. et al. , Curr Opin in Solid State & Mater Sci 2005, 8, 313-321