2010 Annual Meeting
(330g) Bioremediation Potential of Mixed Culture Microbial Fuel Cell Communities
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) have garnered a large amount of attention partly because of their ability to generate power through the oxidation of several different organic compounds. One aspect of
Many studies focus on utilizing model organisms as biocatalysts because of the simplistic nature of the biofilm and well documented electron transfer mechanisms. However, practical application to polluted environments necessitates the use a mixed culture community, if only because of the inability to maintain a pure culture in an open environment. Enriched multispecies communities may be less susceptible to alteration by introduction of a contaminating species. Mixed microbial communities are more adaptable to changes in substrate type, concentration, and availability.
In this study, the focus of the
For these enrichments, major fuel cell community members were identified by 16S rDNA isolated by denaturing gel gradient electrophoresis. These DNA sequences were identified and a phylogenetic tree was constructed to determine the main bacterial groups involved. In this manner, the two different methods of enrichment can be compared. Performance of these enrichments was evaluated based on each community's ability to reduce hexavalent chromium and efficiency in transferring electrons between the cathode and the soluble chromium species.