2010 Annual Meeting

(106e) Grafting Monomers for Improved Protein Resistance with High Throughput Atmospheric Plasma


Gu, M. - Presenter, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Kilduff, J. C. - Presenter, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Belfort, G. - Presenter, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

We have developed a combinatorial high throughput atmospheric plasma graft-induced polymerization (HT-APGP) method to synthesize and screen for surfaces with any desired characteristics. Specifically, we are interested in isolating vinyl monomers that resist protein adsorption and that can be grafted onto poly(ether sulfone) (PES) without initiating agents. Using a photo-induced polymerization variant of the high throughput method, we have confirmed previously discovered monomers (poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and zwitterionic (Zwit) and discovered new monomers (amine) that exhibit protein-resistance. We have also shown that molecular weight and small chemical variations within a class (i.e. PEG or Zwit) can substantially change the efficacy of such monomers. Grafting conditions, besides power and residence time, environmental conditions such as pH, temperature and monomer concentration, and modification technique (post-plasma versus in situ polymerization) are also very important to the grafting efficiency. Here, we graft vinyl PEG and Zwit monomers using the HT-APGP method with PES and search for optimal conditions for repelling bovine serum albumin (BSA) in aqueous solution. We also conduct ATR/FTIR spectroscopy to track the degree of grafting in lab scale (not HT). Filtration performance is assessed using a fouling index (relative to the as received non modified PES membrane), permeation flux and protein sieving. Comparison with earlier extensive photo graft-induced polymerization, shows that the HT-APGP method is very competitive.