2009 Annual Meeting

(404d) CO2 Capture by Adsorption On Carbonaceous Sorbents at Ambient Pressure: Steam Regeneration and Vacuum Regeneration


Krutkramelis, K. - Presenter, University of Wyoming
Shen, Y. - Presenter, University of Wyoming
Radosz, M. - Presenter, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Wyoming

This project is aimed at understanding how to recover CO2 adsorbed from flue gas on carbonaceous sorbents at low pressures. Different approaches are characterized experimentally in a liter-sized sorption vessel, including direct steam regeneration and vacuum regeneration. Technical and economic data will be presented. The advantage of steam is a rapid and complete recovery. The advantage of vacuum is no need for the cooling stage. We shall also present results illustrating regeneration approaches that can lead to nearly pure CO2 in a single stage, which has not been demonstrated before.