2009 Annual Meeting

(336n) Functional Nanocomposite Network Membranes for Carbon Dioxide Capture


Hakim-elahi, N. H. - Presenter, University of Toledo
Coleman, M. R. - Presenter, University of Toledo

A novel platform membrane material that consists of functionalized carbon nanofiber network within a polymer matrix was synthesized to capture CO2 from industrial gas mixture. The functional groups such as ionic liquid with amine groups (IL) or carboxylic groups were covalently bounded on a surface of carbon nanofiber through certain chemistries in order to provide a pathway along nanofiber surface. The nanocomposite membranes were characterized by using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Scanning electron microscope. Also, the permeability coefficients of pure gases of CO¬2, H2, N2, O2, and CH¬4 were determined at various pressures and loadings for three different types of carbon nanofibers: oxidized, IL functionalized and pristine. The results have shown the improvement in CO2 separation for IL functionalized compare to plain polymer and other types of nanofibers. Finally, potential application of these materials was explored.