2009 Annual Meeting
(304c) An Aggregation Model for Flash NanoPrecipitation
Flash NanoPrecipitation is a novel approach for producing functional nanoparticles stabilized
by amphiphilic block copolymers. A microscale multi-inlet vortex (MIV) reactor is utilized for
this process because of its mixing performance and flexibility. During this process, the particle
size distribution is frozen and stabilized by the amphiphilic di-block copolymer on the organic
particle surface. That is, the particle growth is kinetically arrested and thus a narrow particle
size distribution can be attained. To model the precipitation process, a bivariate population
balance equation (PBE) has been formulated to account for co-precipitation of the organic and the
block copolymer. Aggregation rate kernels have been derived to account for the major different
aggregation events: free coupling, unimer insertion, and aggregate fusion. The resulting PBE is
solved both by direct integration and by using the quadrature method of moments.