2008 Annual Meeting
Session: Fusion Energy Technology Overview – Plenary
This session provides a venue for the advancement of new research and technology in the fusion energy sector with particular focus status and update of the ITER project. The long-term objective of fusion research is to harness the nuclear energy provided by the fusion of light atoms to help meet mankind´s future energy needs. This research, which is carried out by scientists from all over the word, has made tremendous progress over the last decades. The fusion community is now ready to take the next step, and have together designed the international ITER experiment. The aim of ITER is to show fusion could be used to generate electrical power, and to gain the necessary data to design and operate the first electricity-producing plant. ITER is a joint international research and development project that aims to demonstrate the scientific and technical feasibility of fusion power.
Berry, J., Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Rogers, B., Savannah River National Laboratory
Klein, J. E., Savannah River National Laboratory