2008 Annual Meeting
Session: Advances in Metabolic Engineering and Bioinformatics II
Metabolic engineering is the targeted improvement of the cellular metabolic phenotype using recombinant DNA technology. Experimental and mathematical techniques that are used to characterize metabolic networks are also included. Bioinformatics tools are critical for the advancement of metabolic engineering and many other fields in biotechnology. Abstracts describing new developments in these topics are sought, and those incorporating both mathematical modeling and experimental aspects are particularly encouraged. Example areas include quantification of metabolic fluxes, inverse metabolic engineering, production of novel products, application of evolutionary techniques, construction of metabolic models from genomic data, incorporation of microarray and proteomic data and mathematical modeling of metabolism. The session is open to papers focused on any type of organism.
Hatzimanikatis, V., Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL)
Price, N. D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign