2008 Annual Meeting
(714d) Biological Fabrication of Photoluminescent Nanocomb Structures by Metabolic Incorporation of Germanium into the Biosilica of the Diatom Pinnularia Sp
Gale, D. K. - Presenter, Oregon State University
Jeffryes, C., Oregon State University
Gutu, T., Portland State University
Chang, C. H., Oregon State University
Jiao, J., Portland State University
Rorrer, G. L., Oregon State University
Diatoms are single-celled algae that make microscale silica shells or frustules with intricate nanoscale features such as two-dimensional pore arrays. In this study, the metabolic insertion of low levels of germanium into the frustule biosilica of the pennate diatom Pinnularia sp. by a two-stage cultivation process induced the formation of frustules which strongly resembled double-sided nanocomb structures. The final product contained 0.2 to 1.0 wt% Ge in biosilica, depending upon the amount of soluble germanium added to the cultivation process. The 30 micron frustules consisted of a mixture of parent valves possessing a normal two-dimensional array of 200 nm pores, and daughter valves possessing the nanocomb structure formed by the fusion of the pore arrays. After thermal annealing in air, the Ge-doped frustules possessed blue photoluminescence (PL) with peak wavelength of 440-460 nm. The PL intensity was controlled by the annealing temperature and the level of Ge in the biosilica. The optimal PL intensity was obtained at a thermal annealing temperature of 400 oC. XPS and TEM/electron diffraction measurements confirmed that Ge-doped diatom biosilica consisted of amorphous GeO2 after thermal annealing at 400 oC. This nanostructured GeO2 was the likely the origin of the blue photoluminescence. This is the first reported study of using a cell culture system to biologically fabricate a Ge-doped silica nanocomb structure with controllable photoluminescent properties.