2008 Annual Meeting

(600f) Hydrogen Quantum States, Dynamics, and Nanoconfined Melting in Potassium Intercalated Graphite


Keith, J. B. - Presenter, California Institute of Technology
Purewal, J., California Institute of Technology
Ahn, C., California Institute of Technology
Fultz, B., California Institute of Technology
Souza, N. D., Argonne National Labs
Understanding hydrogen's interactivity with storage materials is essential to a hydrogen economy. Using neutron diffraction, isotherm measurements, and inelastic and quasielastic neutron scattering from hydrogen in stage II potassium graphite intercalated graphite, we have made a comprehensive study of hydrogen self- and host-interaction at a range of temperatures (10-120 K) and pressures. We have identified rotational and translational quantum states and have modeled these using phonon-generated simulated neutron scattering and diffusive scattering from quantum-corrected or delocalized molecular dynamics. We have also modeled hydrogen's hydrodynamics and predict a large elevation of the melting temperature due to nanoconfinement.