2008 Annual Meeting
(5z) Fischer Tropsch Synthesis and Related Technologies
Durham, J. E. - Presenter, Auburn University
The goal of my research is to use novel catalysts and solvents to enhance the Fischer Tropsch reaction and related processes (cracking, isomerization, oligomerization ,etc). The increasing price and scarcity of crude oil is making the utilization of coal for fuel and chemical markets a viable alternative while concerns about global warming have made biomass utilization (for CO2 neutrality) an important area of research.
As a teacher, it is my belief that Chemical Engineering, while very complex, is built almost entirely out of a few basic concepts. Having been both a TA and an instructor, it is my belief that my primary challenge is to prevent students from taking shortcuts and memorizing equations and instead getting them to always return to the basic concepts and work out each problem from there. I am passionate about Chemical Engineering and looking forward to the opportunity to teach it. My experiences as a student, a teacher, and as a member of Auburn's Academic Honesty Committee have built in me a commitment to help students grow into good engineers and people.