2008 Annual Meeting
(592g) Detailed Steady State Modeling of An Anode-Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC)
To attain this goal, a detailed two dimensional dynamic model for an anode-supported tubular SOFC is developed. The model includes: (i) mass and momentum transport phenomena in the anode and cathode gas flow channels for the reactants and the products, (ii) diffusion from the gas flow channels through the porous electrodes to the reaction sites, (iii) activation overpotential through the Butler-Volmer equation with concentration and temperature dependent expression for exchange current density, and (iv) ohmic resistances. The ohmic resistances of the electrodes are modeled by an equivalent circuit model considering the current path length from the current collectors to the TPB. The enhanced area for electrochemical reactions, supported by experimental evidence, is considered by a cylindrical characterization of the TPB interface. For this industrial cell, the cell temperature is maintained by a furnace. However spatial variation in temperature cannot be ruled out. To consider the effects of these variations, energy conservation equations are written. Due to the unknown heat input from the furnace, consideration of the overall energy balance becomes a challenging task. A MAPLE-MATLAB environment is used to solve the steady state model. The computational issues in solving the model will be discussed. The model is validated using data from a commercial SOFC over a wide range of cell temperatures, reactant flow rates, and DC polarizations. Significant observations made during the validation process will also be presented.