2008 Annual Meeting
(578n) Analysis of Minimum Vapor Flowrate Requirements for the Fully Thermally Coupled Distillation System with Postfractionator
This work presents an analysis on the degrees of freedom (DOF) for the Petlyuk system with postfractionator, and a set of design variables that meets such DOF is proposed. Also, Underwoodxs equation is used as a basis for the development of a shortcut design method to calculate minimum vapor flowrates.
Finally, one important problem for the solution of Underwood′s equation is the specification of values for flowrates and compositions for the postfractionator interlinking streams. We show an approach for the solution of this complex arrangement using a graphical McCabe-Thiele analysis.
Henley, E. J. and Seader, J. D., 2006. Separation Process Principles, Joh Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Kim, Y. H., 2006. A New Fully Thermally Coupled Distillation Column with Postfractionator, Chemical Engineering and Processing, 45, 254-263.
Underwood, A. J. V., 1948. Fractional Distillation of Multicomponent Mixtures, Chemical Engineering Progress, 44, (8), 603-614.