2008 Annual Meeting
(575n) The Catalytic Effects of Perovskite on the Oxidation of Fuel Borne Catalysts Deposited Diesel Particulates
Sung, J. Y. - Presenter, Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Korea University
Lee, D. W., Korea University
Park, Y. M., Korea University
Lee, K. Y., Korea University
After 1980's, high effciency of diesel engines is lead to diesel vehicle demands. But, emissions of diesel engines are hard to treat compared with emissions of gasoline engines. Emissions of NOx and soot particulates from diesel engines have been causing serious health problems. One of the solutions to avoid the emission of soot produced by diesel engines is to trap the particles on a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) and burn soot. In general, DPF inlet gas temperature is insufficience to burn soot. To elevate the DPF inlet gas temperature, DPF is regenerated by post injection of fuel. It has been observed that DPF are thermal stressed at high temperature. There are many methods to reduce ignition temperature of the soot collected in the DPF. One is soot oxidation catalyst are used in DPF, the other is fuel additives are used in diesel fuel. The latter, we are called Fuel Borne Catalyst (FBC). A fuel additive in combination with catalysed filter are very effectively to reduce ignition temperature. Soot oxidation catalysts are almost precious metals and rare earth metals or its mixed. But the catalysts price is very expensive and we need to find a substitute for materials. In this study, we tried to test of catalyic activity of precious metals and perovskite compounds with commercial FBC. The activities of several catalysts were tested on the conversion of CO and CO2. Finally we selected the perovskite compounds. So we optimized the preparation method of perovskite compounds. To confirm the properties of this catalyst, we carried out characterization tests. The characterization tests were performed by ICP, XRD, and SEM.