2008 Annual Meeting
(572t) Towards Developing a Reproducible Method for Coaxing Embryonic Stem Cells to Pancreatic Islet Cells
In this study, we describe an ongoing effort to develop a robust and reproducible method for directing the fate of ESCs towards pancreatic islets. Although we have used mouse ESCs as a model system, our findings translate to hESCs without significant modifications. At the first stage of differentiation, cells are coaxed towards definitive endoderm (DE). To that end, we have used medium containing either low concentration of serum or no serum, along with ligands of the TGF-β and Wnt families. Mouse and hESCs undergo morphological and biochemical changes over 4-6 days in culture. Cells in the resulting population are positive for Sox17, Foxa2 and CXCR4 whereas the expression of pluripotency markers such as Oct3/4 and Nanog is significantly reduced. Marker expression is assessed by quantitative PCR, immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry. A protocol for differentiation of DE cells to posterior foregut and beyond will also be presented. Selection of the islet cells derived from ESCs will be performed via adenoviral delivery of transgenes encoding for fluorescing proteins (e.g. green fluorescent protein; GFP) under an islet-cell specific promoter. To that end, we have generated an adenovirus carrying the red fluorescence protein gene flanked by the insulin gene promoter. We also explore the application of our differentiation scheme in conjunction with large scale expansion of ESCs. Our system will contribute towards developing large-scale bioprocesses for production of islet cells from ESCs for diabetes therapies.