2008 Annual Meeting
(572d) The Coordinated Control of EGFR Signaling by Multiple Feedback Loops: An Experimental and Computational Study In a Developing Tissue
We have taken a combined computational and experimental approach to identify the various roles of multiple EGFR inhibitory feedback loops in modulating the spatially distributed EGFR input (4). EGFR feedback is involved in specifying the size, shape, and relative location in the epithelium of the two dorsolateral patches of roof cells. Based on the expression and loss-of-function analysis, we show that, contrary to previously reports, the secreted EGF inhibitor, argos (aos) (5), does not play a significant role in specifying the specification of two patches of roof cells from a single peak of EGFR signaling. Instead, we find that two other EGFR inhibitors, sprouty (sty) (6) and kekkon (kek) (7) are important for modulating EGFR signaling and shaping the patches of roof cells. We present a computational model that incorporates inhibitory feedback loops, which is used to make predictions on the changes in the shape of the roof cell patches due to perturbations in the connectivity of the regulatory network. We then test the computational predictions using the sophisticated genetic tools available in Drosophila to quantitatively delineate the spatial patterning of the roof cells by sty and kek. This study provides quantitative insight into the role of inhibitory feedback for the proper patterning of a model epithelial tissue and the control of a medically important signaling pathway.
1. Ciardiello F, Tortora G. EGFR antagonists in cancer treatment. N Engl J Med. 2008 Mar 13;358(11):1160-74.
2. Yarden Y. The EGFR family and its ligands in human cancer. signalling mechanisms and therapeutic opportunities. Eur J Cancer. 2001 Sep;37 Suppl 4:S3-8.
3. Shvartsman SY, Muratov CB, Lauffenburger DA. Modeling and computational analysis of EGF receptor-mediated cell communication in Drosophila oogenesis. Development. 2002 Jun;129(11):2577-89.
4. Goentoro LA, Reeves GT, Kowal CP, Martinelli L, Schupbach T, Shvartsman SY. Quantifying the Gurken morphogen gradient in Drosophila oogenesis. Dev Cell. 2006 Aug;11(2):263-72.
5. Klein DE, Nappi VM, Reeves GT, Shvartsman SY, Lemmon MA. Argos inhibits epidermal growth factor receptor signalling by ligand sequestration. Nature. 2004 Aug 26;430(7003):1040-4.
6. Reich A, Sapir A, Shilo B. Sprouty is a general inhibitor of receptor tyrosine kinase signaling. Development. 1999 Sep;126(18):4139-47.
7. Ghiglione C, Carraway KL, 3rd, Amundadottir LT, Boswell RE, Perrimon N, Duffy JB. The transmembrane molecule kekkon 1 acts in a feedback loop to negatively regulate the activity of the Drosophila EGF receptor during oogenesis. Cell. 1999 Mar 19;96(6):847-56.