2008 Annual Meeting
(571k) Early Events In Atherosclerosis: Modeling of Transmural Water Flow and the Effect of Transmural Pressure on It
Experimental results of Tedgui & Lever10 and Baldwin & Wilson1 show a higher value of Lp at low pressures (60-70 mmHg) which drops by ~40% at higher pressures and remains pressure-insensitive beyond, up to ~180mmHg. Endothelial removal doubles Lp and renders it pressure-insensitive. Huang et al 4 explained this behavior by postulating that intimal compression under transmural pressure loading causes the endothelium to partially block internal elastic lamina fenestrae, thereby causing the observed Lp lowering with ΔP. Endothelial removal eliminates both a layer of resistance and thus fenestral blocking potential, thereby increasing Lp and explaining the denuded vessel Lp's pressure insensitivity. Jimmy Toussaint of our group has established that rat aortic endothelial cells avidly express Aquaporin-1 (AQP), a membrane protein that acts as a specific water channel. These highly selective water channels allow high throughputs of water (~3x109 molecules/sec) in response to, e.g., osmotic gradients, at little or no cost in ATP7. Tieuvi Nguyen of our group has shown experimentally9, by measuring the hydraulic conductivity of an excised vessel ex vivo as a function of pressure, first with functioning and then with chemically blocked AQPs (using HgCl2 as a blocker 8 ), on the same vessel, that these AQPs play a significant functional role in transmural water transport in rat aortas.
New theory to determine AQP contribution to endothelial Lp vs ΔP: Nguyen's experiments showed significant decreases of ~36%, 13% & 8% in intact vessel's total hydraulic conductivity, Lpt (1/ Lpt = 1/Lpe+i + 1/ Lpm+I, where Lpe+i is the hydraulic conductivity of endothelium plus subendothelial intima and Lpm+I is the hydraulic conductivity of the denuded vessel, representing media and internal elastic lamina contributions) at 60,100,140 mmHg respectively, when HgCl2 is used to chemically block AQP. The variation in these numbers clearly shows that more is going on than a simple blocking of AQP. Recall Huang et al's 4 intimal compression theory (without blocker) argued that above 80 mmHg the intima remains fully compressed and therefore Lp is ΔP-independent. Note that in case of blocked AQPs, Nguyen showed nearly ΔP-independent values of Lp that extend to her lowest value of 60 mmHg, where the unblocked intima is not compressed. This suggests that AQP-blocking may lead to intima compaction at a lower overall ΔP. We propose a theory to explain this Hg++ dependence of Lp vs ΔP. We shall also extract the percentage of intrinsic Lp due to AQP, by extending the filtration model given by Huang et al 4 . The idea behind the new model is that blocking the endothelial AQPs decreases the intima's intrinsic Lp, which decreases intimal pressure (Pi) at a fixed ΔP. Thus there is a larger endothelial force per unit area (PL-Pi),where PL is lumen pressure,which can compress the intima at lower total ΔP. Specifically, we extend the transport model of Huang et al 4 by including transcellular flow characterized by LpEC (hydraulic conductivity of endothelial cell), which is the fraction of Lpe(hydraulic conductivity of endothelium) due to the AQPs. From this model, we calculate the experimentally measured Lpe+i, which depends on the thickness of intima, and compare with Nguyen's corresponding experimental values.
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