2008 Annual Meeting
(571b) A Novel Approach for Residue Contact Prediction in Beta and Alpha/beta Proteins
In this presentation, a novel optimization based method framework is introduced to predict contacts in beta, alpha+beta and alpha/beta proteins. In this method, a Calpha-Calpha distance dependent force field [7] is used to assign contact energy for a particular contact based on the identity of the amino acids [8]. This problem has been formulated as an integer linear programming problem where the objective function is to minimize the contact energy. A set of constraints is also included in the model to produce physically possible contacts and topologies for alpha, beta, alpha+beta and alpha/beta proteins. This formulation not only offers the advantage of finding the residue contacts corresponding to the global minima, but it can also produce a rank-ordered list of residue contacts. A rank-ordered list like this helps in finding the most frequent contacts. This model also offers the flexibility of incorporating additional constraints where a user can add unique and problem specific constraints to the model. The presented method was tested on few test proteins and produced an average accuracy of ~60%.
[1] Klepeis, J., and Floudas, C. A., 2003a, Prediction of Beta-Sheet Topology and Disulfide Bridges in Polypeptides. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 24: 191-208.
[2] Vicatos, S., Reddy, V. B., and Kaznessis, Y., 2005, Prediction of Distant Residue Contacts With the Use of Evolutionary Information. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 58: 935-949.
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[4] Hamilton, N., Burrage, K., Ragan, M. A., and Huber, T., 2004, Protein Contact Prediction Using Patterns of Correlation. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics, 56: 679-684.
[5] Cheng, J., and Baldi P., Improved Residue Contact Prediction Using Support Vector Machines and A Large Feature Set. BMC Bioinformatics, 56: 679-684.
[6] Rajgaria, R., McAllister, S. R., and Floudas, C.A., 2007, Towards Accurate Residue-Residue Hydrophobic Contact Prediction for Alpha-Helical Proteins Via Integer Linear Optimization , Proteins, Submitted.
[7] Rajgaria, R., McAllister, S. R., and Floudas, C.A., 2007, Development of A Novel High Resolution Calpha- C-alpha Distance Dependent Force Field Using A High Quality Decoy Set. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 65: 726-742.
[8] Rajgaria, R., and Floudas, C.A., 2008, In Preparation.