2008 Annual Meeting
(537f) Effect of Surfactants, Flocculants and Hydrolyzing Method on Centrate Recovery from Whole Stillage in Corn Bio-Ethanol Plant
Safavieh, M. - Presenter, SUNY at Buffalo
Simo, M., University at Buffalo
Hlavacek, V., University at Buffalo
This poster is about the effect of adding the different surfactant and flocculants on separation of water of whole stillage in centrifuging part of ethanol plan. Basically we used different concentrations of Commercial detergent and some non-commercial surfactants such as Poly ethylene glycol 400 and Vinyl acetate. Among different surfactants that we used, Poly ethylene glycol 400 (PEG 400) has a great effect on centrate recovery and separation of water from whole stillage. Alsowe used different flocculants. Combination of 307 Tramfloc flucculant and commercial detergent can give us good result too. We analyzed effect of ultrasound on whole stillage recovery. Ultrasound does not have effective effect on separation of water from whole stillage. Also we hydrolyzed the whole stillage under different conditions of pressure and temperatures.By hydrolyzing of whole stillage at high pressure (420 Psi) we can increase the efficiency of centrate recovery.
Key words: Whole Stillage ,Surfactant ,Flocculants, Hydrolyze