2008 Annual Meeting
(474a) Design of Reactive Distillation Processes Using Simulated Annealing
In recent years, process simulators have been used extensively for the simulation of chemical processes. Because of the black box nature of these simulators, derivative-free algorithms can easily be implemented for optimization problems. In this work, we investigate the application of a SA algorithm to obtain the optimal design of two reactive distillation systems. The SA algorithm is implemented in the Visual Basic Application (VBA) which interfaces with the process simulator, Aspen Plus. In performing optimization, parameters associated with the annealing system, such as the initial temperature, temperature decrement factor and quasi-equilibrium detection and the space of design variables, should be defined.
Two reactive distillation systems, methyl acetate and butyl acetate production, are used to illustrated the design using the SA algorithm. The results indicate that improved design can be achieved with relatively efficient computing. The SA approach is recommended for highly nonlinear processes with non-monotonic characteristics such as reactive distillation systems.
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