2008 Annual Meeting
(468d) Coarse-Grid Simulation of Fluidized Gas-Particle Flows
In a recent study [2], we extracted closures for the filtered two-fluid models by filtering the statistical data generated through highly resolved MFIX simulations in large periodic domains employing a kinetic theory based two-fluid model with Wen & Yu drag for uniformly sized particles [3,4]. We found that both the filtered drag coefficient decreased systematically with increasing filter width, whereas the particle-phase stresses increased with increasing filter width.
The objectives of the present study are two-fold:
(a) What boundary conditions should be used with the filtered equations at bounding walls?
(b) How do the solutions of filtered model equations compare with those of the kinetic theory based model which were used to generate the closures for the filtered equations?
We have completed several 2-D simulations with different boundary conditions at the vertical walls and have found that as filter size increases, the boundary conditions which should be employed with filtered equations approach free slip conditions for both phases.
In order to evaluate the filtered two-fluid models, we have run a number of simulations of the filtered two-fluid models and compared the results predicted by such simulations with those from finely resolved simulations of the kinetic theory based two-fluid model. Through these comparisons, we assess the filtered two-fluid and bring forth their strengths and weaknesses.
The details of these results will be described in the presentation.
[1] Agrawal, K., Loezos, P. N., Syamlal, M. & Sundaresan, S. 2001 The role of meso-scale structures in rapid gas-solid flows. J. Fluid Mech. 445, 151 185.
[2] Igci Yesim, Andrews, A.T. IV, Sundaresan S., Pannala S. & O'Brien T. 2008 Filtered two-fluid models for fluidized gas particle suspensions. AIChE J. 54, 1431-1448.
[3] Gidaspow, D., 1994 Multiphase Flow and Fluidization, Academic Press, CA. 31-58, 197 238.
[4] Syamlal, M., Rogers, W. & O'Brien, T. J., 1993 MFIX Documentation, U.S. Department of Energy, Federal Energy Technology Center, Morgantown, WV.