2008 Annual Meeting
(409d) Cooperative, Distributed Model Predictive Control for Systems with Coupled Input Constraints
The distributed control problem can be viewed as an N-player game in which subsystems minimize their local objective [3]. In communication-based strategies [1], the subsystems iterate to a Nash equilibrium, which is sufficient for stability if the subsystems are weakly coupled dynamically. This strategy is inadequate, however, for the steady-state problem because typically the interactions between subsystems are strong. In this case a Nash equilibrium is not necessarily a stable operating point. Cooperative strategies, however, produce iterates that converge to the Pareto optimal point, a stable point for any strength interactions [2]. Cooperative model predictive control has been shown to work with both centralized and distributed steady-state target calculations but has so far assumed that the decomposed subsystems' constraints are uncoupled in the distributed target calculation. Introduction of coupled constraints into the cooperative steady-state target calculation produces suboptimal plant-wide steady states.
Most previous work for distributed target calculation with coupled constraints uses a coordinator [4]. The coordinator solves a dual problem for the Lagrange multipliers of the coupled constraints. Structurally, however, the coordinator is similar to the centralized target calculation. A completely distributed control system does not have a coordinator.
Using industrial examples, we illustrate how the coupled constraint problem arises. We show that while cooperative control with coupled constraints is suboptimal, it guarantees closed-loop stability for all stationary points of the steady-state target calculation. Finally, we show how performance can be improved using algorithms that account for the constraint coupling without the need for third-party coordination. These methods maintain the attractive stability and optimality properties of cooperative controller while preserving the distributed control topology in plants with coupled constraints.
[1] Eduardo Camponogara, Dong Jia, Bruce H. Krogh, and Sarosh Talukdar. Distributed model predictive control. IEEE Ctl. Sys. Mag., pages 4452, February 2002.
[2] Aswin N. Venkat, James B. Rawlings, and Stephen J. Wright. Stability and optimality of distributed, linear MPC. part 1: state feedback. Technical Report 200603, TWMCC, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of WisconsinMadison (Available at http://jbrwww.che.wisc.edu/tech-reports.html), October 2006.
[3] James B. Rawlings and Brett T. Stewart. Coordinating multiple optimization-based controllers: new opportunities and challenges. In DYCOPS, Cancun, Mexico, June 2007.
[4] R. Cheng, JF Forbes, and WS Yip. Price-driven coordination method for solving plant-wide MPC problems. J. Proc. Cont., 17(5):429438, 2007.