2008 Annual Meeting

(340c) Development of Sulfur Tolerant High Durability CO2 Sorbents at High Temperatures


Lu, H. - Presenter, University of Cincinnati
Smirniotis, P., Department of CME, University of Cincinnati
Inorganic metal oxides based on reversible reactions have advantages of reacting with CO2 at high temperature over other sorbents. We presented here that the structure promoted calcium-based sorbent is promising for CO2 uptake. The sorbents were made by wet chemistry routes, and flame spray pyrolysis in the gas phase. The sorbents were nanostructured particles having specific surface areas as high as 70 m2/g. The CO2 uptake at various temperatures was determined by thermogravimetric analysis. To study the reversibility of the sorbents, several dozens of carbonation/decarbonation cyclic operations were performed. The sorbents demonstrated stable and reversible behavior and high CO2 uptake capacity, sustaining the maximum molar conversion at more than 60% even after 100 cycles of operations. Sulfur tolerant sorbents were also identified.