2008 Annual Meeting
(288b) Behavior of Aqueous Polyelectrolyte/graphene Interfaces and the Mechanism of Surface Overcharging, Charge Reversal and Charge Inversion
Although the body of experimental evidence is significant, the theoretical analysis of the deposition process and the success of the corresponding modeling effort are still limited. At least a couple of reasons lie behind this situation, namely, the intrinsic difficulties of interpreting and translating the experimental observations into working hypotheses, and then, the need for unambiguous connections between the microscopic details (embedded into the hypotheses) of the system and their macroscopic manifestation, i.e., the formulation of the theory.
Jimenez-Angeles and Lozada-Cassou 1 have recently reported a new phenomenon that occurs during the adsorption of macroions onto a positively-charged planar surface. This phenomenon was revealed by integral equation calculations of three-component inhomogeneous primitive models of macroion solutions in contact with a charged surface, and represents an adsorption of an effective charge onto a like-charged surface. In fact, the authors indicated that such an effect defines a new phenomenon, hereafter referred to as overcharging (OC), i.e., at the wall's neighborhood we find the accumulation of an effective additional charge with the same sign of the wall. This effect is due to the strong electrostatic attraction between macroions and the divalent cations. However, for this effect to be present, a high particle's excluded volume is needed, i.e., a high concentration pf macroions and/or little particles and/or large macroion size or little ion size
In this communication we argue that the OC can be viewed as a more general solvation phenomenon and illustrate its occurrence by means of molecular dynamics simulation of atomistic model aqueous-polyelectrolytes solutions in contact with positively charged graphene walls, with and without added salts of multivalent cations, including the explicit description of water. In fact, we show that the occurrence of OC does not necessarily require the co-adsorption of negatively charged macroions and divalent counterions with a large size and charge asymmetry, but rather the preferential adsorption of the hydrogen and oxygen water-sites resulting in specific orientational water structure at the solid surface 2. Finally, we discuss the microscopic mechanism underlying overcharging, charge reversal and charge inversion, as well as the modeling consequences.
1. Jimenez-Angeles, F.; Lozoda-Cassou, M., A model macroion solution next to a charged wall: Overcharging, charge reversal, and charge inversion by macroions. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2004, 108, (22), 7286-7296.
2. Chialvo, A. A.; Simonson, J. M., Interfacial behavior of aqueous polyelectrolyte solutions in contact with graphene surfaces in the presence of multivalent cations. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Submitted 2008.