2008 Annual Meeting
(270d) The Sensitivity of Modeled Ozone to Changes In the Temporal Distribution of Area, Point, Mobile and Non-Road Emissions
In this work we analyzed the effects of altering emissions temporal distributions on simulations of ozone with a focus on the Northeast. We conducted a summer simulation with the Community Multi-Scale Air Quality Model (CMAQ) v4.5 using a 12 km grid size with the 2002 National Emissions Inventory. We applied three temporal distributions to the four major source categories of emissions and simulated a total of nine cases: 1) four uniform cases, where either point, area, mobile, or non-road emissions remained the same hour-to-hour and day to day, 2) a base case, where all emissions varied according to 2002 NEI estimates, and 3) four high variability cases, where 50% of either point, area, mobile, or non-road nighttime emissions were added to the daytime. We find that the largest sensitivities occurred in urban areas both in the Northeast and Southeast when mobile sources were altered. For a summer simulation, on average, the ozone sensitivity was +/- 1-3 ppb. The largest sensitivities, +/- 2-7 ppb, occurred when an 8-hour average concentration greater than 80 ppb was simulated in the base case. When moderate, 50-80 ppb, 8-hour averages were simulated, the sensitivity was less than 2 ppb. Furthermore, the number of days with 80 ppb 8-hour average exceedances decreased by 2-10 days when mobile sources were altered. The sensitivities from the other source categories, area, point, and non-road sources, were not significant in comparison.
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