2008 Annual Meeting

(250d) Polymers Incorporating Pi-Conjugated Small Molecules: Processing Characteristics, Impact on Electronic Properties, and Resistance to Ionizing Radiation


Klein, R. J. - Presenter, Sandia National Laboratories
Schroeder, J. L., Sandia National Laboratories
Cole, S. M., Sandia National Laboratories
Belcher, M. E., Sandia National Laboratories
Cole, P. J., Sandia National Laboratories
Lenhart, J., US Army Research Laboratory
Polymers capable of specialized electronic properties, such as radiation resistance, anti-static coatings, enhanced breakdown strength, or tailored photo-electronic interactions, are needed for a new generation of organic devices. We have examined the method of impregnating polymer films by pi-conjugated small molecules from solution. This significantly modifies the electronic properties of the films, which we utilize for radiation tolerance from ionizing radiation. We have also thoroughly characterized the process using a physical model based on Fickian diffusion and solute partitioning, and determined a predictive model for the partitioning behavior using the activity coefficient and chi parameter.

Acknowledgement: Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.