2008 Annual Meeting
(236b) Binary Interaction of Deformable Capsules In a Shear Flow
showed that the capsules engage in spiraling motions.
Based on our simulations, four different regimes of capsule-capsule interaction at finite inertia are identified: (i) a self-diffusive type interaction,
(ii) an outwardly spiraling motion, (iii) a fixed-orbit spiraling motion, and (iv) an inwardly spiraling motion in which the capsules settle with zero relative velocity. The reversal of motion, and the spiraling trajectories at finite inertia have no analogy in the limit of zero inertia. Such motions are explained by analyzing the flow
field around a deformed capsule which shows reverse flow regions and off-surface stagnation points, similar to those
previously reported in case of rigid spheres and cylinders under torque-free condition. In the second set of simulations, we consider the interaction between two non-identical capsules which differ from each other in terms of their size, capillary number and viscosity ratio. WHen inertia is small, one particle rolls over the other, but their displacements in the velocity-gradient direction are not the same. Our results show that the final lateral displacement of the rigid particle is higher than that for the deformable particle. At moderate inertia, dissimilar particles also engage in spiralling motion, but our results show that the spiralling trajectories are now asymmetrical. Further, the time-averaged lateral position of the particles is no longer zero. As a result, the particle-pair slowly drift with the flow. These results have implications for sheared suspension of mono- and bi-disperse deformable particles at finite inertia.