2008 Annual Meeting

(220b) Design of High Temperature, In-Situ Coating of Aerosols: Efficiency & Texture


Pratsinis, S. E., ETH Zurich
Aerosol coating is a promising one-step process to modify nanoparticle surfaces. Here gas-phase coating of TiO2 particles with SiO2 films is investigated theoretically, accounting for SiO2 monomer generation, coagulation, sintering and surface growth by HMDSO (hexamethyldisiloxane) precursor. The evolution of the SiO2 coating particle population is simulated distinguishing the fine and coarse modes of SiO2 coating particles. The fine mode deposits fast on TiO2 particles forming a smooth coating while the coarse deposits further downstream and may contribute to rough coatings depending on SiO2 sintering kinetics (1).

Coating starts by injecting the HMDSO after the TiO2 particles have reached their optimal primary particle size that no longer changes by sintering (2). That way TiO2 primary particles and aggregates have attained a self-preserving distribution that can be represented by a single size facilitating the simulations. Sintering may take place on the surface of the TiO2 particles and transform rough into smooth coatings depending on process conditions.

The influence of TiO2 particle size and concentration, process temperature, cooling rate, mixing time and HMDSO precursor concentration on SiO2 coating thickness and texture are investigated. Especially the evolution of SiO2 coating thickness and surface area of the rough SiO2 coating on the TiO2 core particles surface are discussed.

1. A. Teleki, S.E. Pratsinis, K. Wegner, R. Jossen, F. Krumeich "Flame-coating of titania particles with silica", J. Mater. Res., 20, 1336-47 (2005).

2. A. Teleki, M.C. Heine, F. Krumeich, M.K. Akhtar, S.E. Pratsinis, "The Role of Gas-Aerosol Mixing during In-Situ Coating of Flame-Made Titania Particles”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., accepted for publication (2008).