2008 Annual Meeting
(202h) Experimental and Modelling Studies of the Bioconversion of Glycerol to Succinic Acid by Actinobacillus Succinogenes
The aim of this work is to bioconvert, glycerol by the bacterium Actinobacillus Succinogenes to Succinic Acid (which is a platform chemical for the production of various added-value derivatives) for the first time to our knowledge. Glycerol is the only carbon source in our batch fermentation process. The training of Actinobacillus Succinogenes in a glycerol-rich environment in order to increase its effectiveness in consuming glycerol is an important part of the process. Experimental studies are performed and a number of sensitive parameters are identified through a factorial experimental procedure which is designed to examine the influence of these parameters on the Succinic Acid production. A phenomenological unstructured mathematical model that efficiently describes the biological system is constructed, which includes all the important parameters that have been experimentally identified. The model is used to compute optimal operating/parametric conditions which maximise yield, productivity and/or the final Succinic Acid concentration. The main degrees of freedom of the model are CO2 provision, the addition of electron donors, the C/N initial ratio and the O2 availability. The necessary kinetic parameters for the model are estimated experimentally and model predictions are validated with appropriate experimental results.
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