2008 Annual Meeting
(190l) Modeling of the Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium of the Carbon Dioxide – Dimethyl Ether Mixture by Three Different Approaches
This work deals with the modeling of the vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) of the CO2 - DME mixture. Three different approaches are formulated and compared. The first two approaches are based on semi-empirical Peng-Robinson-Stryjek-Vera (PRSV) equation of state [1]. The first approach applies the simple mixing rule with only one interaction parameter, and the second incorporates the Wong-Sandler mixing rule [2] coupled with the NRTL active coefficient model [3]. The final approach uses a mixture model based on empirical Helmholtz free energy equations of state for pure CO2 and DME [4,5]. A comparison of these three methods shows the superiority of the PRSV equation of state with the WS mixing rule and the NRTL model in predicting the VLE of the mixture up to very high temperatures and pressures.
[1] R. Stryjek and J. H. Vera, Can. J. Chem. Eng., 64 323 (1986).
[2] D. S. Wong and S. I. Sandler, AIChE J., 38 671 (1992).
[3] H. Renon and J. M. Prausnitz, AIChE J., 14 135 (1968).
[4] R. Span and W. Wagner, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 25 1509 (1996).
[5] E. C. Ihmels and E. W. Lemmon, Fluid Phase Equilib., 260 36 (2007).