2008 Annual Meeting
(185y) Divalent Cations-Dimethylphosphate Complex Formation: Providing Insights into Membrane Fusion In Cells
Experimental evidence shows that other divalent cations, such as magnesium and barium, may also initiate fusion, but at slower rate [3,4]. In this study, molecular dynamics simulations were preformed to test if other divalent cations self assemble with DMP- under same molecular dynamics conditions. Simulations show significantly fewer incidents of DMP-Mg-DMP bridges forming. Simulations of Ba2+ show no incidents of bridging dimethylphosphate oxygens. Radial distribution functions and number integrals show the depletion of water around DMP- head groups and hydrated divalent cations upon bridging incidents.
Ab initio calculations were preformed to study the stability of DMP- and its complexes with divalent cations in the presence of implicit solvent. Calculations were preformed at the B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level of theory and CPCM solvent model. The data indicate that calcium posses a higher binding affinity to DMP- than Mg2+ or Ba2+. Furthermore, calcium favors participating in ring complexes over forming a single bridge between two DMP- molecules.
[1] Jeremic, A., Cho, W-J., Jena, B.; J. Biol. Phys. & Chem. 4:139-142 (2004)
[2] Potoff, J., Issa, Z., Manke, C., Jena, B., Cell Biol. Int. 00:00-00 (2008)
[3] Papahadiopoulos, D., Nir, S., Duzgunes, N.; J. Bioenergetics 22:157 (1990)
[4] Ohki, S.; Biochem et Biophys. 1:689 (1982)