2008 Annual Meeting
(182f) Phase Behavior of Blends Containing End-Associating Polymers
To systematically study how end-group association affects polymer miscibility, we synthesized monofunctional and telechelic ureidopyrimidinone (UPy) functionalized polystyrene (PS) and poly(4-methylstyrene) (P4MS) using ATRP with a functionalized initiator. Ternary polymer1-polymer2-solvent blend phase space was examined. Polymer pairs were chosen that exhibit upper critical solution temperatures (UCST) and lower critical solution temperatures (LCST). The polymer pairs studied include PS/polybutadiene (PB) and PS/P4MS (UCST) and PS/PVME (LCST). The phase behavior and association of these systems were studied using laser light scattering and dilute solution viscometry. Data from PS/PB/toluene blends containing only one functionalized polymer, PS, indicate a reduction in miscibility relative to the corresponding parent blend. Blends where both polymer components contain UPy functionalities are also being studied.