2008 Annual Meeting

(170a) Hydrodynamic Interactions Effects on the Brownian Induced Pore-Translocation: Forward Flux Sampling Study


Hernandez-Ortiz, J. P. - Presenter, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellin
Graham, M. D., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
de Pablo, J. J., University of Wisconsin Madison
The Forward Flux Sampling Method has been used to study the effects of hydrodynamic interactions on the rate constant for translocation of polymer molecules through a square channel. The dynamics of the particles is resolved by means of a Brownian dynamic evolution equation, where the long-range interactions are included through the Green's function formalism. The O(N) General Geometry Ewald-like Method is implemented to calculate the hydrodynamic interactions with suitable boundary conditions at the walls and periodic boundaries. The proposed methodology enables the calculation of rates in a more efficient and accurate way than that possible through direct, unbiased Brownian Dynamics calculations. The rate constant is affected by the walls and the confinement provided hydrodynamic interactions are taken into account. Such interactions lead to a decrease of the rate constant due to the decrease in particle mobility near rigid walls, and an increase due to the increase of the diffusion coefficient of hydrodynamically interacting polymer molecules.