2008 Annual Meeting
(12a) Ensemble Modeling - a Novel Tool for Strain Design
We demonstrate the Ensemble Modeling (EM) framework through application to the production of aromatic amino acids in Escherichia coli. By using existing data from the literature for the overexpression of genes coding for transketolase (Tkt), transaldolase (Tal), and phosphoenolpyruvate synthase (Pps) to screen the ensemble, we arrive at a set of models that accurately describes the known enzyme overexpression phenotypes. This subset of models becomes more predictive as additional data are used to refine the models. The final ensemble of models demonstrates the kinetic property that Tkt is the first limiting step, and correctly predicts that only after tkt is overexpressed does an increase in Pps increase the production rate of aromatics. This work demonstrates that ensemble modeling is able to capture the kinetic behavior of aromatic acid producing bacteria and describe resultant phenotypes after enzyme perturbations while bypassing the need for a detailed characterization of kinetic parameters.