2008 Annual Meeting

(115u) Enhanced Soil Vapor Extraction of TCE in Clays


Espinell, S. P. - Presenter, AICHE University of Puerto Rico
Widespread use of trichloroethylene (TCE) for industrial purposes has resulted on extensive contamination of underground environments, and is commonly found in groundwater resources. Much of this contamination is found in formations of clay soil. Soil vapor extraction (SVE) technologies for TCE remediation have proven to be effective in sandy soils, but limited in clay soils. This study is part of an investigation that explores the use of cyclic injection of brine solutions to enhance TCE vapor extraction from clay soils. This enhancement relies on enhanced TCE volatilization from salting-out effects and improved permeability of the soil. Experimental work involves measuring vapor concentrations in static reactors containing pure TCE and NaCl solutions at different concentrations. Hydraulic conductivities are also measured in a clay soil for different salt concentrations. Results show the effect of brine solutions on TCE volatilization and fluid permeability.