2008 Annual Meeting

(115r) Distribution of Explosives TNT and Dnt with Surface Vegetation Fimbristylis Cymosa


Feliciano, I. - Presenter, University of Puerto Rico
Hwang, S., University of Puerto Rico
Due mainly to on-going military activities in the world, a need clearly exist to better understand fate and transport of explosives-related compounds and to consider the importance of their detection and remediation. Fate, transport and distribution of explosives within the soil and to the soil surface is influenced by intertwined biogeochemical processes that affect their spatial and temporal concentrations in soil and groundwater environments. Tropical surface vegetation was evaluated for its role in the fate, transport and subsequent detection and remediation of explosives. To this end, a small-scale field experiment was conducted with a native tropical grass (Fimbristylis Cymosa) on the fate, transport and distribution of high explosives TNT and DNT. For the biogeochemical parameters, explosives concentrations in plant, soil and water, soil enzymatic changes and microbial activities have been quantified. Environmental factors such as temperature, precipitation, daylight, evapotranspiration, etc. were interpreted in conjunction to the biogeochemical parameters.