2008 Annual Meeting

(115b) Design of An Inexpensive Ambient Formaldehyde Sampling Device


Formaldehyde is an indoor air contaminant commonly found in homes that is an irritant, carcinogen, and possible sensitizing agent. If detected, it is often possible to remediate the levels by removing the source or increasing ventilation, but current sampling methods are time-consuming, difficult, or expensive. This project aims to explore the use of a method of formaldehyde sampling by utilizing detector tubes and a reconfigured air pump. This method takes less time and is much less expensive than the literature standard DNPH method and the results are comparable. Preliminary testing of the device in 11 homes of asthmatics in the Boston area reveal that all homes had levels exceeding the NIOSH recommended eight-hour exposure level, and 6 out of 11 houses contained levels that have been shown to increase prevalence rates of asthma and chronic bronchitis in exposed children.