2007 Annual Meeting

(586c) Ternary Phase Equilibria of Sclareol-Ethyl Lactate-CO2 Mixtures for Gas Anti-Solvent Precipitation Applications in the Extraction and Isolation of Nutraceuticals


Tombokan, X. C. - Presenter, North Carolina State University
Aguda, R. - Presenter, North Carolina State University
Danehower, D. - Presenter, North Carolina State University
Kilpatrick, P. K. - Presenter, North Carolina State University

We report the extraction of sclareol from the leaves of Salvia sclarea Lamiacea, or Clary Sage. The process involves the extraction of sclareol using a CO2-soluble GRAS solvent such as ethyl lactate, followed by GAS anti solvent precipitation with carbon dioxide. The three-component phase behavior of the sclareol-ethyl lactate CO2 system at various pressures has been determined, indicating a slight cybotactic effect. Measurements of the solubility of sclareol in other GRAS ester solvents have also been made and compared to theoretical predictions of solid-liquid solubility. The ability of thermodynamic models to predict the complex three-component phase behavior of this system is discussed. The selectivity of solvents for some of the contaminants in sclareol concrete has also been determined. The implications of the thermodynamic analysis on process design will be discussed.