2007 Annual Meeting
(550f) Design Improvements Of The Maxblend Impeller For The Laminar Regime
Tanguy, P. A. - Presenter, Ecole Polytechnique - URPEI
Iranshahi, A. - Presenter, École Polytechnique de Montréal
Takenaka, K. - Presenter, SHI Mechanical & Equipment Inc.
Sumitomo's Maxblend impeller has been shown to operate very efficiently in the upper laminar and transition regime. In the deep laminar regime, however, secondary flows are induced behind the bottom paddle that hampers adequate up-pumping in this region. As a result, flow segregations are generated, which are detrimental to mixing efficiency. In order to address this issue, 3D finite element CFD simulations have been used to optimize the shape of the bottom paddle of the Maxblend impeller. In this presentation, it will be shown that appropriate design modifications minimize the occurrence of segregations and enhance significantly the bottom-to-top pumping in the lower part of the vessel at very low Reynolds number, extending the range of applicability of the Maxblend impeller in the creeping flow regime.