2007 Annual Meeting
(547a) How The Ch E Curriculum Is Failing Students, Industry And Society (And Some Things That Can Be Done About It)
Demographic changes in the profession are creating a growing demand for chemical engineering graduates. Starting salaries are increasing and there are currently abundant opportunities for new chemical engineers.
Unfortunately, many new graduates are very poorly prepared to enter the workplace. Educators clearly struggle to find the right balance between teaching fundamental theories, practical examples, and soft skills such as teamwork and communication. From the perspective of industry, the result is often that students graduate with a weak to non-existant grasp of some of the most important basic skills and practices of the profession. Few professors have significant industrial experience, and many appear to be unaware of the inadequacy of their teaching.
The presentation will describe some of the obvious gaps in the traditional ChE curriculum from an industrial standpoint. Some suggestions will be given for ways in which Universities could enhance their undergraduate programs and give their students a better preparation for a chemical engineering career.