2007 Annual Meeting

(533a) Design Philosophy of Activated Sludge Process in Effluent Treatment Plant of A Kraft Mill Based on Indian Mixed Hardwoods and Bamboo


Ray, A. K. - Presenter, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee,India
Roy, A. - Presenter, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee,India
Bhaskar, N. - Presenter, Birla Institute of Technology
Tiwari, P. - Presenter, Birla Institute of Technology
Jha, S. - Presenter, Birla Institute of Technology

In this study a preliminary review is made regarding the paper as a commodity material, its types, historical perspective, and raw materials-energy ? environmental scenario.

Ever increasing costs of chemicals, energy and other inputs and strict legislation of the pollution control authorities for treatment of the generated effluents due to many sources including the chemical reactions involved in the paper making process has forced the paper industry to optimize various processes and reduce the effluent output. Therefore an attempt has been made to design a mathematical model for an aerobic Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) for process industry like Paper (also applicable to other industries like Sugar, Textile, Petroleum Refinery, Petrochemical, and Distillery etc.) using activated sludge process. Data from a running paper mill are collected, for simulation purpose. For the purpose of achieving all the above objectives, following modeling and algorithms are developed.

· An algorithm has been developed based on a model for activated sludge process taking into consideration of bio-chemical kinetics and material balance relationship.

· Another algorithm has also been developed for optimizing the dimensions of the aerator using optimization techniques such as Langrange multiplier

· Algorithms are also developed for estimating surface area of primary and secondary clarifiers of an ETP plant when the size of particle undergoing settling process is known and when SOR values are made available.

· An annual cost model is developed using the concept of Smith for design of primary and secondary clarifiers and aerator considering all possible cost contributing factors for an entire ETP plant.

· Computer programs in C++ are developed for all models for model validation and simulation.

· Simulations are carried out for general integrated paper plant.

· The data from Simulation are examined with the data for a running paper mill in India.

· The developed software can be used for any process Industry if experimental and design data are made available.