2007 Annual Meeting
(516n) A Systematic Framework For Modeling Transcriptional Regulatory Networks
Reverse engineering transcriptional regulatory networks is a major task in computational biology. Knowledge about transcriptional regulation is a step towards gaining insights into diseases since many diseases are characterized by abnormal gene regulation. Transcription initiation is affected by the presence of specific DNA-binding proteins (known as transcription factors ? TFs) whose fundamental role is to bind to the promoter region of candidate target genes and thereby control their expression. Hence, cells adjust gene expression profiles in response to environmental changes through the activation of a series of signal transduction pathways which in turn modulate the activities of several transcription factors [1].
Regulator transcription levels are generally not appropriate measures of transcription factor activity [2]. Recently, methods combining TF-gene connectivity data and gene expression measurements have emerged in order to quantify these regulatory interactions [3-11]. The main goal of this reverse engineering is to identify the activation program of transcription modules under particular conditions [12] so as to hypothesize how activation/deactivation of gene expression can be induced/suppressed [13]. Aside from the development of descriptive models that correlate TFA and expression of target genes, a critical question becomes how to identify those TFs that significantly contribute to regulation and should be modulated. Along those lines the authors [14] speculate that the mRNA profile of the target gene should be similar to the reconstructed TFA for the regulating proteins, in [15] they claim that accurate binding information should lead to robust TFA reconstructions whereas in [16] develop a greedy-based selection of critical regulators.
In this study we propose an optimization ? based model (MILP formulation) that aims at identifying the optimal reconstruction and architectures in a rigorous manner. We propose a systematic construction of alternative regulatory structures in parallel with a consistency metric for assessing the robustness of specific transcription factors. The goal is to develop a model that can provide meaningful biological insights on gene regulation. Our primary aim is to identify the best possible regulatory decomposition while utilizing prior biological knowledge about known interactions in terms of existence as well as in terms of known directionality (activation/suppression). Furthermore, another key aspect of our model is that we can also infer the regulatory role of those transcription factors that their activity on certain promoter regions is unknown ? it can be either activation or repression. Our model (miSARN) allows us to identify in a systematic and rigorous way alternative regulatory architectures, which will unravel the existence of a set of robust and presumably critical regulators. Such identification might serve as a diagnostic tool for in silico target identification [17].
We validated our model on temporal expression profiles of E coli during transition from glucose to acetate as the sole carbon source. This dataset consists of the measured expression values of 100 genes recorded at 10 time points. Such expression data have been part of previous studies [18-21] . The corresponding connectivity matrix is extracted from the available information of RegulonDB [22] database. We identified a set of critical regulators based on their robust profiles while emphasizing their biological relevance to specific experimental conditions. Also, our model can generate a number of equivalent regulatory structures that play a major role in explaining the viability of different strains of E coli as well as its ability to tolerate a variety of environmental conditions while still retaining functionality.
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