2007 Annual Meeting
(485b) Molecular Modeling of the Creation of Novel, Ultra-Thin, Nano-Porous Layers and Supported Membranes Using Chemical Vapor Deposition
This work is focused on modeling the chemical vapor deposition of ultra-thin, nano-porous inorganic membranes (NPIMs) on both non-porous and micro-porous substrates for use in the development of high-temperature gas separation membranes. Previous simulation [1,2] and experimental [3] work have demonstrated the remarkably high perm-selectivities of these membranes to key gas mixtures, such as N2/O2/CO2.
Two model substrates were used, namely a non-porous surface which was created by slicing through an amorphous silica block followed by a relaxation, and a micro-porous surface which was generated through a simulated phase separation of a binary Lennard-Jones (LJ) fluid using the Quench Molecular Dynamics technique proposed by Gelb and Gubbins [4]. The pore size of the micro-porous substrate was tuned to give a structure representative of a borosilicate glass, such as a porous Vycor?, by adjusting the simulation time. In order to translate this structure to a fully connected silica structure, a configurational mapping was made between this model LJ structure and that of a melted crystal of b-cristabolite. During the mapping, regions corresponding to the ?boron?-rich phase were removed (The b-cristabolite melting procedure used a Monte Carlo routine with the implementation of bond-switching [5] to generate an amorphous structure.) Periodicity in the final system was then removed and a random deletion at the upper surface was conducted to produce a non-isotropic surface.
The subsequent deposition of a NPIM was simulated using a specially developed kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) algorithm, generating silica layers of controlled thicknesses on the prepared substrate. The reactions scheme for deposition was as follows. Firstly, the deposition of Si(OH)4 was modelled to occur as
while the condensation (annihilation) reaction was given by
With the above reactions, the associated KMC equations are given by the following
where P is the probability of observing a reaction event (r) in bin j (spatially resolved location), n* are scaled reaction frequencies and tincr is the incremental time between reaction events (using uniform random number x2).
Using the above equations, a series of depositions, using a silica-based precursor, were performed at a number of temperatures, pressures and H2O partial pressures to observe the effects of these operating conditions on the deposited layer characteristics, including densities, pair distribution functions, occupied volume and connectivity maps for a series of gas molecules. In the analysis of the deposited layers we have also performed a cluster analysis in order to determine permeation pathways through the deposited layers.
[1] NA Seaton, SP Friedman, JMD MacElroy, BJ Murphy, Langmuir, 13 (1997), 1199
[2] J.M.D. MacElroy, Molecular Physics 100 (2002), 2369
[3] L. Cuffe, J.M.D. MacElroy, M. Tacke, M. Kozachok, D.A. Mooney, J. Mem. Sci. 272 (2006), 6
[4] L. Gelb and K.E Gubbins, Langmuir 14 (1998), 2097
[5] C. Schumacher, J. Gonzalez, P.A. Wright and N.A. Seaton, J. Phys. Chem. B, 110 (2006), 319