2007 Annual Meeting
(329e) Adsorption of Lead on Fine Loamy Mixed Typic Dystrudepts Soil, of Himachal Pradesh, North-West India
The interaction of contaminants, such as lead (Pb), with minerals and other aquifer materials controls the movement of these contaminants in groundwater. Adsorption/ precipitation are assumed to control the solubility of inorganic compounds. The stronger these interactions, the lesser will be the downwards movement of contaminant. Adsorption/ precipitation are often controlled by the nature of the cations, the nature of the adsorbent, and the specific geochemical conditions. In soil, Pb is thought to be mostly bound to the solid phase and, therefore, insoluble. Similar to other heavy metals, Pb reaching the soil may interact with various soil constituents, and eventually affect its solubility and mobility. The present study deals with the adsorption of Pb2+, in an acidic soil, representing Typic Dystrudepts, of Himachal Pradesh, North-west
A fine loamy mixed dystrudepts soil of Palampur,
ln K2o/K1o= DHo / R .[1/T1 -1/T2].
The Pb sorption data at 298 0K and 318 0K were well described by Langmuir adsorption isotherm (Figure 1). The conformity of the lead adsorption data to the linear form of the Langmuir equation was indicated by the highly significant correlation coefficients (r2 = 0.97 to 0.99) derived from data pairs of Ce/(x/m) and Ce. With the increase in temperature from 298 0K to 318 0K, the Langmuir adsorption maxima (b) remained unchanged, whereas, the bonding energy value ?k' increased from 0.15 to 0.50 cm3 µg-1. The heat released or absorbed during adsorption of Pb is differential molar heat of adsorption or Enthalpy of adsorption, ΔHads. Heat of adsorption provides stability of adsorbed species, strength of adsorbate-substrate bonds and thermodynamic driving forces for surface reactions. The values of ΔH (between 298 and 318 0K) computed using Vant Hoff equation varied from 5.09 to 1.09 kcal mole-1 for a constant surface, Ø, of 650 to 1800 µg Pb g-1 soil. Figure 2 shows a plot of ΔH values as a function of of Pb adsorption. The positive values of differential isosteric heat of adsorption (ΔH) on soil between 298 and 318 0K elucidate that adsorption of Pb is an endothermic process which leads to chemisorption or precipitation of Pb compounds on the surface of soil matrix. It is conclusively evident from this investigation that the surface properties of soils help in retarding the downwards movement of Pb in soil profile and thus preventing the contamination of groundwater. Visual minteq programme was used to compute aqueous species of Pb in soil solution suspension of 0.01 M Ca(NO3)2 after equilibration for 24 hours containing 0.114 mM total Pb (II), 0.15 mM CO32- and 0.50 mM SO42-. .Mole fraction diagram for the dominant aqueous species of Pb was drawn (Figure 3). Figure shows that, in the pH range of 4-7, the dominant aqueous Pb species include Pb2+(aq), PbNO3+ and PbSO40(aq). Where as in neutral to alkaline pH range, the dominant aqueous species of Pb were PbOH+, PbCO30, Pb3OH4+2 and Pb(OH)2. At its original pH 6.1, the per cent distribution of different lead species in fine Loamy mixed typic dystrudepts soil solution suspension was Pb2+ 80.3%, PbNO3+ 12.2%, PbSO4 (aq) 3.3%, PbOH+ 1.6%, Pb(NO3)20 (aq) 0.29%, PbCO30 0.40% and PbHCO3+ 1.9%. It can be concluded that depending upon the soil properties, the charged species of Pb could interact with the surface constituents while the ion pairs having zero charge could contaminate the groundwater because of their free downward infiltration.