2006 AIChE Annual Meeting
(642c) Gray-Box Modeling of an Integrated Plant with Incomplete Dynamic Information
Oftentimes in practice, a steady-state description of the plant is available, such as from material balances, thermodynamic equations, flowsheet simulator, etc. Nonetheless, performing plant-wide optimization based on the steady-state model may not provide as much benefit as the dynamic optimization as shown in many works (such as in [3], [4]). Motivated by this, we propose to derive a dynamic model of an integrated plant that is suitable for the plant-wide optimization. In particular, we are interested in practical cases where identification experiment is limited to much shorter period of time than the plant's largest time constant, but prior knowledge about the plant's steady state gains is available. Our approach suggested that an identification experiment is first performed on the integrated plant up to an allowable period of time, which is likely to be less than 50 hours. With appropriate experimental design and data preprocessing, a dynamic model that captures initial transient dynamics of an integrated plant can be obtained. However, because the experiment is relatively short, the dominant pole (or the longest time constant) of the system will not be captured by the model, making it unreliable for the long range prediction. Therefore, our approach is to parameterize the identified model as a step response model truncated at the time when the prediction accuracy starts to degrade. Then the residual dynamics are approximated as low-order system and augmented to the step response model, while ensuring that the settling gains of the model match up with the steady-state gain from the prior knowledge.
In this presentation, the proposed method is demonstrated on integrated plant examples, including a reactor-distillation-recycle system. The results show that an MPC using the augmented model has better performance than the one using an original identified model from the short experiment. In addition, we provide a guideline to prevent the model errors in the low-gain directions of such an ill-conditioned system from degrading the performance in the MPC optimization.
[1] R. Amirthalingam and J. H. Lee, Subspace identification based inferential control applied to a continuous pulp digester, J Process Contr, 9: 397-406, 1999.
[2] B. C. Juricek, D. E. Seborg, and W. E. Larimore, Identification of the Tennessee Eastman challenge process with subspace method.
[3] J. Z. Lu, Challenging control problems and emerging technologies in enterprise optimization, In Proc. 6th IFAC symposium on Dynamic and Control of Process Systems, pp. 23-24, 2001.
[4] T. Tosukhowong, J. M. Lee, J. H. Lee, and J. Lu, An introduction to a dynamic plant-wide optimization strategy for an integrated plant, Comput. Chem. Engng., 29(1):199-208, 2004.